home  >   maps  >   map(世界地图_Gray)


Generates highlight image according to query result or highlight target set.

Image parameters:
Center:    {"x": 0.0 ,"y": -3.19 }
Scale:    0.00000000169016
View bounds:

  • Left bottom: {"x": -180.0 , "y":-183.19 }
  • Right top: {"x": 180.0 , "y":176.81}

  • Width: 256
  • Height: 256

Highlight target set ID * The highlighted target set resource to be mapped, which is the ID of the highlightTargetSet resource. When the Query result parameter has value, this parameter can not use.
Query result * The query result resource to be mapped, which is the ID of the queryResult resource. When the Highlighted target set ID parameter has value, this parameter can not use.
Center Specifies the center point of the map to display.
Scale Specifies the scale of the map to display.
Width Specifies the width of the user display window, which is the width of the generated picture. It needs to be used together with the Height parameter.
Height Specifies the height of the user display window, which is the height of the generated picture. It needs to be used together with the Width parameter.
Output formats Specifies the output format used to return map picture information.
Target projection Coordinate reference system of the map. When the coordinate system set by this parameter is different from the original coordinate system of the map, the system will perform dynamic projection and return the map image after dynamic projection.
HTTP methods

Output formats